Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Kentucky Snow Day

     Sometimes snow days are legitimate, like the one a few weeks ago that stranded cars in traffic 35 miles deep. Most Kentucky snow days, though, are a bit questionable. Maybe it's because the government here isn't up to snuff on their ability to take on snowy roads. Maybe it's because people around here aren't used to driving in the snow. Whatever the reason, this most recent snowmageddon, which left a devastating 1/4 to 1/2 inch of snow on the ground, has closed nearly every school in our part of the state. If you can't get out on the road after a blizzard of this magnitude hits, then what can you do? I'm glad you asked. Here are a few ideas:

  • Clear the porch and steps of snow...with a broom.
  • If your kids are little like mine, watch their faces glow with excitement, even though the snow only goes halfway up the soles of their shoes.
  • If your kids are older, smile at their angry faces when they realize the snow doesn't even go halfway up the soles of their shoes.
  • Groan when you see these same angels tear up the lawn with their sleds.
  • Build six inch snowmen.
  • Stay in and bake something with your kids.
  • If you work at a school, like I do, thank the snow gods for a day off and stay in your pajamas until lunchtime. Or all day. 

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