Sunday, September 2, 2012


Norah Grace is is making me happy, yet again. This time, it's something she's doing for her own benefit. At seven months old, she is already showing a love of books and reading. For the past two months or so her attention span for sitting and being read to is growing and growing.

She will lounge with us and read through a couple books without showing a sign of impatience. And, now that she has her walker, she has been going into her room and finding books on her own.

Not too long ago, I read a list of all the things a child should be able to do before starting kindergarten. It was ridiculous. It more resembled a list of things I would expect a child to be able to do after spending a year in kindergarten. Besides, it doesn't matter if your kid can recite the ABCs frontwards, backwards, and upside-down in their sleep; the number one sign of a future successful reader is the size of their vocabulary early on. What better way to expand one's vocabulary than through books? Plus, I love to read and it's pretty cool knowing I have something in common with my little girl.

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